26.09.2022 Webinar series WHO Euro Roadmap to Guide Implementation of the GSDNM in Europe 2021-25 Measuring Progress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRjSuiR_7R0 12-15 September 2022 72 Regional Committee WHO Europe The annual session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe was held in person and virtual in Israel. Health ministers and high-level representatives of the 53… 13.03.2022 Webinar series in support of the European Roadmap implementation The WHO Regional Office for Europe Nursing and Midwifery team, the European Forum of National Nurses and Midwives Associations (EFNNMA) and the European Federation of Nurses (EFN) invite you to… | |
13.02.2022 EFNNMA Annual General Assembly to meet on March 24, 2022 EFNNMA will hold its annual General Assembly on March 24, 2022 9.30-9.45 CET we invite you to join the virtual ceremony when the new Memorandum of Understanding will be signed between… | |
15.01.2022 Roadmap to guide GSDNM implementation Roadmap to guide implementation of the Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery in the WHO European Region On the 10 th of December WHO Europe Launched the Roadmap to guide… | |
28.09.2021 The 71 session of the WHO-Europe Regional Committee For the second year the annual session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe was held virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Health ministers and high-level representatives of the 53… | |
05.05.2021 March 24-25 – Joint WHO meeting – outcomes and next steps On March 24-25 Government Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers, National Nursing and Midwifery Associations and WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery in the WHO European… | |
02.05.2021 First official EFNNMA General Assembly On April 30 th , 2021 EFNNMA members met at the First official virtually held General Assembly to approve the new Statutes of the organization, the Internal regulations and hold electing of… | |
30.03.2021 EFNNMA Annual meeting, March 30, 2021 T he aims of the meeting included discussions over the legal registration of the EFNNMA, the new Statutes of the Forum, Internal regulations, new fee structure and elections of executive… | |
04.03.2021 March 24-25, 2021 – Meeting of Nursing and Midwifery Representatives in the WHO European Region The next Meeting of Government Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers, National Nursing and Midwifery Associations and WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery in the WHO European… | |
23.12.2020 International Migrant’s Day With the world coming together in solidarity to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, on 18 December, International Migrants Day, WHO-Europe acknowledged not only the health needs of refugees and… | |
18.09.2020 Mental health for healthcare workers – series of webinars WHO-EURO and EFNNMA invite nurses and midwives of the Region to join the series of webinars planned to support mental health of those health workers who are involved in care at a time of… | |
18.09.2020 The 70th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (RC70) For the first time, the WHO Regional Committee for Europe took place virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Among the highlights of this year’s session was the endorsement by… | |
26.06.2020 EFNNMA shared views on WHO/Europe’s forthcoming European Programme of Work WHO/Europe held its first-ever virtual consultation with non-State actors (NSAs) as part of the open consultation process of the European Programme of Work (EPW) “United action for better… | |
07.04.2020 World Health Day 2020 – Support Nurses and Midwives EFNNMA welcomes the release of “The state of the world’s nursing 2020” report on the occasion of World Health Day. Governments, health system, professional societies now are… | |
30.03.2020 Covid-19 Due to the pandemic, many global events have had to be postponed or reorganized into virtual events. The EFNNMA were affected by the pandemic and were to cancel the Launch of Nursing Now Russia… | |
17.01.2020 2020 – International year of the nurse and the midwife The WHO has proclaimed 2020 The Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. EFNNMA has participated in planning activities and events for 2020 together with the WHO European office and also with the… | |
23.09.2019 69th Session of WHO Regional Committee for Europe, EFNNMA statements on behalf of nurses and midwives of the Region The RC 69 Agenda apart from several important technical issues included nomination of the Regional director for the coming 5 years. Earlier this year EFNNMA joined ICN in a campaign to raise the… | |
10.09.2019 69 Session of WHO EURO Regional Committee 16–19 September 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark Health ministers and high-level representatives of the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region, as well as partner and civil society… | |
23.08.2019 International Youth Day 2019: Role of mentors in nursing and midwifery education The WHO European Region celebrates International Youth Day on 12 August along with the rest of the world. The theme this year is “Transforming education”. It highlights the role of… | |
12.05.2019 International Nurses Day. Connecting with cancer patients in distant locations Providing patients with the best possible quality of care sometimes requires finding new and innovative ways to meet their needs. Nurses are often at the forefront of designing and implementing… | |
12.05.2019 International Nurses Day. Spreading the message that “clean hands save lives” Olga Pînteac began her nursing career, which now spans more than 35 years, as a surgical nurse. She worked on a surgery ward for 15 years before being promoted to a nurse manager role…. | |
12.05.2019 International Nurses Day. Elena Khasanova: ongoing training to ensure safe, quality patient care Nurse leaders have a dual responsibility to continue their own professional education and development, and to ensure that the teams around them are adopting new and optimal practices… | |
28.03.2019 Improving TB patient care in the Russian Federation with video-observed treatment To help tuberculosis (TB) patients keep to their gruelling treatment regimens, WHO recommends that the intake of medicines is observed, in person, by a health-care worker, to support the patient… | |
01.02.2019 SC and WHO planning session On the 1st of February SC members took part in a planning session with WHO EURO representatives. The main issues of the Agenda included developing the Joint Action plan for 2019-2020,… | |
25.10.2018 Scientific conference: СЃrossroads of policy, research, education and practice in primary health care Scientific conference: СЃrossroads of policy, research, education and practice in primary health care took place on 23–24 October 2018 in Almaty, Kazakhstan This event was organised… | |
05.10.2018 2018 WHO Euro, CNOs, EFNNMA and Collaborating centers meeting in Athens, Greece 2018 WHO Euro, CNOs, EFNNMA and Collaborating centers meeting in Athens, Greece on October 3-4, 2018 In spite of the busy schedules the meeting was highly attended by both representatives of… | |
20.09.2018 WHO Regional Committee meeting 68th session EFNNMA SC members were invited to attend the WHO Regional Committee meeting 68 th session held on September 16-20 in Rome, Italy. Sessions of 68 th RC were devoted to the numerous topics,… | |
08.05.2018 Celebrating nurses’ and midwives’ role in bringing health services to everyone, everywhere Nurses and midwives make up the majority of the health workforce worldwide. Each year for a week, beginning with International Day of the Midwife on 5 May and culminating in International Nurses… | |
16.04.2018 High-level Regional meeting: Health Systems Respond to NCD High-level Regional meeting: Health Systems Respond to NCD took place on April 16-18 in Sitges, Spain The meeting in Sitges acted as a platform to share country experiences, to understand… | |
22.03.2018 Nurses and Midwives are leading the way towards UHC WHO/Europe and EFNNMA are planning a social campaign on the occasion of the International day of the midwife (5 May) and International Nurses Day (12 May), 2018. The campaign will run for 8 days… | |
27.02.2018 Nursing Now Nursing Now aims to improve health globally by raising the profile and status of nurses worldwide – influencing policymakers and supporting nurses themselves to lead, learn and build a… | |
13.02.2018 21st Annual EFNNMA meeting The European Forum of National Nursing and Midwifery Associations, and WHO/Euro, and WHO Collaborating centers for nursing and midwifery in Europe have decided to change the venue and the dates of… | |
12.02.2018 Nurses and Midwives in the history of the World Health Organization WHO European office announced a new publication: Nursing and Midwifery in the History of the World Health Organization 1948–2017 . Publication has a part devoted to European region and… | |
01.01.2018 WHO consultation meeting with the expert group on nursing and midwifery EFNNMA Vice Chair Mervi Jokinen attended a WHO consultation meeting with the expert group on nursing and midwifery on behalf of the EFNNMA Steering Committee in Salzburg, 1 st December… | |
01.11.2017 SC planning meeting in Budapest Following the 67th Session of the Regional Committee the Steering Committee members held the planning meeting with WHO representatives Dr Galina Perfilieva and Dr Jim Buchan. Along with the… | |
01.11.2017 67 Session of WHO Regional Committee On September 11-14 EFNNMA Steering Committee members took part in the 67 th session of the WHO European Regional Committee held in Budapest, Hungary. Ministers and directors of health from… | |
11.05.2017 20th EFNNMA Annual meeting, Berlin, Germany, March 2-3, 2017, Meeting Report On March 2-3, 2017 in Berlin, Germany, EFNNMA organized its 20th Annual meeting. During the Business meeting the Chair and Steering Committee members reported on the… | |
11.05.2017 Highlighting nurses and midwives’ commitment to delivering the highest quality care The WHO European Region has 7.3 million nurses and midwives, who play a vital role in promoting health, preventing illness and providing care to expectant mothers and newborns, and to people in… | |
19.12.2016 EFNNMA 20th Annual Meeting, March 2-3, 2017, Berlin, Germany The 20 th Annual EFNNMA meeting will be held on March 2-3, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. The overall purpose of the meeting is to provide a forum for consultation with the WHO Regional… | |
31.08.2016 EFNNMA Steering Committee held its 77th meeting jointly with WHO EURO in Saint-Petersburg, Russia On August 25-26 SC members and WHO EURO representatives met in St-Petersburg. The issues covered by the meeting Agenda included preparations for the 2017 EFNNMA meeting in Berlin, actions towards… | |
05.05.2016 EFNNMA and WHO celebrate the role of nurses and midwifes in strengthening people-centered health systems For International Day of a Midwife (May 5) and International Nurses Day (May 12) the European Forum of National Nursing and Midwifery Associations celebrates the contributions of the… | |
15.03.2016 19th EFNNMA Annual meeting On February 29 – March 1, 2016, EFNNMA held it’s 19th Annual meeting on 20-year Anniversary. During the business session EFNNMA Chair, Treasurer and SC members reported on the… | |
29.11.2015 Global Strategy on Human Resources The WHO regional office for Europe and the European Commission jointly hosted a technical briefing session in Brussels on 16 November to discuss the Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health… | |
16.11.2015 IV National Nursing Congress in Kirgizia Republic Over 180 nurses and midwifes representing all 9 regions of Kirgizia Republic took part in the IV National Congress, health care administrators from Kirgizia and guests from the Russian… | |
16.11.2015 All-Russian Nursing and Midwifery Congress Over 700 nurses, midwifes, medical assistants, practicing specialists and educators from multiply Russian regions along with the leaders of the global, regional and several national nursing… | |
24.09.2015 Launch of the European strategic directions for strengthening nursing and midwifery towards Health 2020 goals (ESDNM) 14 – 18 September 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania During the 65th session of the Regional Committee in Vilnius, Lithuania, the WHO Regional Office for Europe will be launching the European… | |
22.07.2015 EFNNMA experts participate in WHO supported workshop in Albania In support of the joint action plan of WHO and EFNNMA two experts from the Ordem dos Enfermeiros, Portugal and the Royal College of Nursing, United Kingdom, led a workshop on professional… | |
12.07.2015 18 Meeting of the European Forum of National Nursing and Midwifery Associations in Riga, Latvia EFNNMA business meeting was held on April 8 and attended by 28 representatives of nursing and midwifery associations of 17 Member States in the WHO European Region, including Bulgaria, Cyprus,… | |
12.07.2015 EFNNMA and WHO European Regional Meeting, April 8-9, 2015, Riga, Latvia A joint EFNNMA and WHO European Regional Meeting was held on April 8-9, 2015 in Riga, Latvia. The meeting was attended by 91 experts representing 37 Member States including government… | |
12.07.2015 EFNNMA and 10-th Anniversary of WHO Immunization Week Immunization as a strategy to prevent diseases and promote health is of a crucial importance and nurses and midwifes across European region play the leading role in immunizing children, adults… | |
15.10.2014 Nurses and midwives: a vital resource for health – Technical briefing, WHO 64th Regional Committee Meeting, 17 September 2014 Strengthening nursing and midwifery to maximize their potential and enable their full contribution to Health 2020 implementation was the focus of a technical briefing on Wednesday 17 September… | |
23.07.2014 18 Meeting of the European Forum of National Nursing and Midwifery Associations Dear member associations, please note that the next EFNNMA meeting is scheduled for April 8-9, 2015 and will be held jointly with WHO meeting for Chief Governmental Officers in Riga, Latvia…. | |
23.07.2014 EFNNMA representatives meet with ICN President, Judith Shamian and WHO Programme Manager, Galina Perfilieva On May 15 th representing EFNNMA Chair Valentina Sarkisova and Vice-chair Roswitha Koch met with the ICN President Dr. Judith Shamian who supports EFFNMA as a regional organisation closely… | |
20.05.2014 17th Annual meeting of the European Forum of National Nursing and Midwifery Associations took place in Vilnius, Lithuania on October 8-9.2013 Following a two-year discussion about EFNNMA’s future, member nursing and midwifery associations agreed that the organization has a great potential in influencing WHO policies and playing a… | |
20.05.2014 WHO Europe Integration Policy Forum On April 1 st the WHO Regional Office for Europe convened in Brussels a high level policy forum to discuss how, in response to the health challenges of the 21 st century, health services can… | |
20.05.2014 WHO/Europe and EFNNMA Memorandum of understanding EFNNMA and WHO/Europe have agreed on a two-year work plan to collaborate on the strategic directions for strengthening nursing and midwifery services in the WHO European Region. EFNNMA will also… |